
Hello. We are Ash & Kellen. We are WeeNo Photography.

The changing.

Pin It So its already March 31st, and I'm talking about this year.. Its a bit late.. I know! but we wanted to share with you whats going on..
With us.
With WeeNo Photography.
We are praying for BIG things.. and we hope you keep following us!


number one.
We raised our prices... dun.. dun.. dun!!
Somehow the things in the world have become more expensive. Gas. Cars. Computers. Cameras. Lens'. EVERYTHING! So must we.

number two.
Yup. Hanford, California just isn't the place for Kellen and I anymore. So, here are upcoming plans.

Wisconsin.. Yup! I'm doing it.. well just for the summer! We will be there for the summer.
June - August and will plan to leave in the beginning of September. Kellen deserves some much needed time with family, and I can't wait to really get to know them! For real get to know them.. not just like 2 weeks get to know them..

Then.. PORTLAND. (doesn't that word just look inviting?) Portland, we are praying, will be home for awhile. Awhile meaning, a couple of years or more?

Number Three.
What does that even mean? Well, we have invested in quite a bit of GOOD camera stuff.. we invested in a brand new IMAC! And we are going to start doing some Bridal Shows.. In Portland. Its hard enough to get your name out there when you know people, then throw in a new city and the fact that you know 5 people.... Yup. We have come to this point. We are going to do some, and with that we want you to help! If we have shot your wedding, or family, or a couple shoot send me some kind words. Some words of encouragement for our future customers..

We are also wanting to invest more in photography, and our style. I have this vision in my head, and I feel like we are getting there. I feel like the last 5 weddings we have done, I have achieved everything I wanted. BUT. Now I want more. I want to see more, I want to shoot more, I want our style to be more developed.. We want to invest more in our packing. Our, website, our blog, and our beloved costumers!

So.. now you know my heart. I'm wondering what God has for us this year. Its so hard to leave an area where people hear my name, and know what I do for a living. Its scary to try to go to a big city and start a business. But, we are praying that God has something for us there. If you could join us and do the same.... we would GREATLY appreciate that.

In these two moves, I will be attempting to keep up and keep shooting. So, even if I'm not close, shoots us an email. {ashley@weenophotography.com} Lets chat. Lets get to know each other, and let us take your photos!

And thanks for all your support. Reading the blog. Being friends with us on Facebook , and commenting on our photos.. We appreciate it more then you know!

and because a blog is not a blog without a photos.. Here is a recent engagement shoot. I hope they speak to you..

Brad & CeCe (1 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (2 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (3 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (12 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (4 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (5 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (6 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (7 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (8 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (9 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (10 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (13 of 13)

Brad & CeCe (11 of 13)

I felt her.

Pin It The moment the Indian air touched my face and I breathed it into my lungs, my eyes swelled up with tears. It hit me, my mum was gone and I was in India to fulfill a promise that I had made to her 8 months back.

Its 19 days later, and I'm home with 1,700 photos and a feeling of closure.

India was great. It was more then great, it was incredible. It was emotional, and I was an emotional basket case half of the time. There were so many moments when I literally felt my mum at my side smiling with joy. I got to meet so many amazing people, with amazing hearts that were full on for God. I got to see the poorest of poor, and how they still smiled and were so thankful we came to see them. I got to experience India. 

There are so many stories. So many memories I will have. I will always know that my mum would have loved it there, and I will always know that I left a little bit of my mum in India. I will always be grateful for such a great mother, and for an adventurous mother who taught me so much.

I blew her ash's off the roof at sunrise our last morning in the village into rice patties and a peanut field. It was one of the best moments I had. I got to see the well that was drilled in her memory. I got to see the clean water that was poured into the buckets, that gave nourishment to more then 100 families. I couldn't think of a better tribute for Jan LaMattino. She would want nothing else but to help families. I got to meet over 50 widows, women who's husbands had left them or died. Their families abandon them, and they didn't have money to eat or a place to live. I got to give them money, a hug, a smile, and take photos of their beautiful faces. 

My trip was better then I could imagine. I got closer to God, got closure, and got heaps of photos. I am going to post more as time goes on, and tell you more stories in depth. I'll tell you more about the organization that I went and worked with, and how they treated me like royalty. How you can help, and how my mums legacy will live on thanks to everyone who loved her so much.

Thank You.

India (1 of 8)

India (8 of 8)

India (2 of 8)

India (7 of 8)

India (6 of 8)

India (3 of 8)

India (5 of 8)

India (4 of 8)
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