
Hello. We are Ash & Kellen. We are WeeNo Photography.

And the trip begins.

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Here I am. The beginning.

  While in Hawaii this past winter, I decided that I would like to take another school. A School of Digital communications. It sounded good, so I applied. It took place in Switzerland. 3 months in Switzerland.

  I applied, and got accepted.
 and I have started my journey toward Switzerland.  I took a month off. I thought I needed a bit of a break from the real world, and before the YWAM world. 

   I am in Wisconsin at the moment. A nice little 2 week stop over to see the boy in my life. Mr. Kellen. He lives in the upper peninsula of the WI. Its super nice, and super touristy. So, while he works, I play. I play on the computer, I read, I edit, I think about my trip to come. I wonder what it will be like to live in a cold climate. For example, He is at work, I'm sitting outside the library on my lappy listening to music and enjoy the cool crisp air, and of course my favorite, free wifi! 

  I head out in just a week. Monday the 15th, I start my journey to Sweden, then to Germany, only to end up in Switzerland for 3 months to fill my brain full of useful information. 

   Since, I'm a photographer, I will keep pictures up of all my adventures and where this trip will take me, and more important
ly where God will take me....


     these Photos are some things I do in Door county. Ride Bikes, Kellen drives a moto so we ride around on that. I drink alot of coffee, it passes the time and its warm. Kellen was nice enough to get me an air mattress to sleep on. I put some photos up in his room to make it have that little touch of me in.
So a little of Wisconsin! 




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