
Hello. We are Ash & Kellen. We are WeeNo Photography.

On the train to Geneva

Pin It So I've broken down and bought internet, once again, on the train to Geneva.

  I'm maybe 4 hours away from the place I will call home for 3 months. Its a bit surreal that I'm finally getting there after thinking, applying, and getting accepted. I've made it. well, almost. I'm in the land of the Swiss. Zurich is where I arrived first, to change trains. I will arrive in Geneva around 8.15, then grab yet another train to Gland, which is apparently next to the YWAM base or just close to it.

   My time in Germany was good, I got good food, good company, and good rest. I even got to have a treck in the austrian alps! yup, I went hiking in the austrian alps! It was brilliant. i'm not one for hiking, but it was pretty easy and super gorgeous! 

  Now that I've had about a month off work, and school, and real life, I think I'm ready for a schedule and work. My brain is ready to learn and be taught! 

   Thanks if you have been reading this. I'm not sure if anyone does, besides my mum (hi mum) I'll keep you updated. and have more pictures of Germany, and maybe Switzerland too!!

  Au Revior!


jonathan edmund said...

i read it and i love it and i love you!

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